Spring Brook Academy

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Curriculum Overview 

Lower School

Our curriculum gives our pupils access to creative learning opportunities tailored to their individual needs.

The children and young people benefit from a Spring Brook offer that is innovative and personalised and our curriculum is emerging as a strength of the school.

Together with our partners, we work to continue to be at the forefront of successful, innovative curriculum design with overall breadth and balance.

As a result, the young people benefit from excellent opportunities in all aspects of our curriculum to achieve and improve their skills, knowledge, understanding and well-being.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum at an appropriate and challenging level.

Upper School

Our curriculum is a broad and balanced curriculum, that focuses on the individual learner, as opposed to a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

The unique nature of our learners means that, within the parameters of the wider curriculum, we are able to create bespoke, personalised learning programmes that take an array of different things into consideration, such as a young person’s specific needs and/ or interests. 


Curriculum (ID 1068)